一人餐 (Set For One)
配田園沙律 With Garden Salad
牆城早餐 Wall Is Eat All Day Breakfast
(煙肉,炒蛋,炒野菌,脆薯餅,蕃茄,茄汁豆,丹麥多士) (Bacon, Scramble Egg, Mixed Mushroom, Hash Brown,Grilled Tomato, Baked Bean, Danish Loaf)$108.00菠菜三文魚意大利飯 Risotto with Smoked Salmon in Spinach Cream Sauce
$138.00黑松露野菌意大利飯 Risotto with Mixed Mushroom in Truffle Cream Sauce
$128.00南瓜帶子意大利飯Risotto with Grilled Scallop in Pumpkin Cream Sauce
$138.00泡菜煙肉意粉Creamy Kimchi Bacon Linguine
$128.00墨西哥香辣海鮮扁意粉 Linguine with Grilled Seafood and Mexico Jalapeno in Tomato Sauce
$148.00牛油果蟹肉扁意粉Linguine with Crab Meat in Avocado Cream Sauce
二人餐 Set for 2
前菜 (4選1)+意大利飯及扁意粉 (8選2) Appetizer + Risotto and Linguine
二人餐 Set for 2